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Jewel’s presence in Mauritius goes back to 1959 as floor polish product; ‘la cire jewel’ sold in tinplate cans.  The following years, the company extended its production for tinplate cans. The brand Jewel, manufactured under Nidomac Ltd carries a strong heritage since it has always been a family business who believes in ‘selling the true worth of its products, tested in laboratories to maintain an outstanding performance.’

Capgraph Ltd contributed enormously in rebranding the visual identity of Jewel in 2014. The problem which the client was facing is to break the perception that Jewel is only a floor cleaner product but they have been expanding their production from floor to multi purpose cleaner. Capgraph revamped the logo added the blue connotation that blue immediately recalls freshness, cleanliness. A strong tagline which was communicated on radio spots, on newspapers and other medium to translate the fact, Jewel is really cleaning everything, everywhere.

Recently in 2015, the client approached us along with his re-distributors to create an advertising campaign. The essential steps are to understand the mission, values and purpose of Jewel. It was interesting to learn about the history of Jewel and their USP.

Below is an insight of the brand workshop seminar initiated with the client, distributors, Capgraph ltd.